Lightspeed OnSite is fully featured to handle big-ticket and B2B sales. It provides a well-structured sales flow to keep track of complex and high-value deals.
As an Onsite user, migrating to a different platform can arguably feel like a daunting prospect. At QuoteMachine, we’ve been working with many ex-OnSite users to ensure no feature is missing to a modern online point of sale solution. We’re not only bridging the feature gap between Lightspeed Onsite and Lightspeed Retail but modernizing the entire sales experience.

In this post, we’ll present the different features QuoteMachine brings to Lightspeed Retail organized in theses categories:
Quoting features
Whether you sell expensive products or you sell to companies, the sales process can be longer than a simple walk-in with a checkout at the counter. Your customers need to think about it before pulling the trigger. Quotes are an excellent tool to keep the customer engaged after a conversation. In Lightspeed Retail, the quoting feature results in a simple receipt listing products’ pricing. QuoteMachine goes further than this to turn quotes into a powerful sales tool. At QuoteMachine, our approach is to bring everything online, so that when your customers are ready to buy, they can do so anywhere and anytime. And this is incredibly efficient!
Our quotes convert 70% of the time.
Here are the few features making this outstanding result possible:
Images and rich content on quotes
Quotes that sell are not a list of prices. QuoteMachine turn quotes into mini-websites that you can fully personalize to your colors and style. You can describe your business, your values, and the way you work. Some of our customers even do that with videos embedded in their quotes! Images of your products are exposed as a gallery so customers can enlarge the ones they want to see. PDF attached to emails no longer make sense when you can conveniently provide such an outstanding experience.
Capture deposits on quotes
Sealing the deal often requires a payment. In Lightspeed Retail, you can capture deposits but only track them at the customer level. They’re not attached to specific sales or orders, which could become confusing when dealing with multiple orders. Thankfully, QuoteMachine addresses that and connects deposits to quotes and orders. Since everything is synchronized, deposits will also be shown on Lightspeed Retail under the right customer. Moreover, quotes being online, customers can also directly pay their deposits online by credit card or bank transfer.
Monitor your sales funnel
Quoting can be a big part of your business, so we made it easy to see what’s hot. On every quote, you can see if the customer engaged with it, how much time they spent on the document and what they looked on it. It makes it easy to decide what to do on each deal.
Interactive mini-websites
By bringing the quote online, we can leverage the power of interactivity to help you upsell and close more deals. For example, customers can pick and choose the line items that you decided to offer as add-ons. When your customers are ready to buy, they can accept the offer online and even pay online. QuoteMachine even supports digital signature.
Personal notes on quotes
If you send a quote, it’s often because the offer is personalized or customized. Every customer is different; that’s why quickly adjusting any information on a quote on a per-customer basis is essential. QuoteMachine allows you to do that instantly: you can modify any information on the products and control their visibility on the customer-facing result.
Sales order features
Orders have no equivalent in Lightspeed Retail, making it hard to manage sales that take longer to fulfill and where payments happen gradually. We understood the need at QuoteMachine through high-value transactions. Often or not, these transactions require to be fully or partially ordered to a supplier, and as you receive them, you’ll need to invoice the customer accordingly. With that in mind, we built QuoteMachine’s sales order module with key elements:
Status on orders
You can create an order from any quotes. As your process is unique, You can create an order from any quote. As your process is unique, QuoteMachine supports custom statuses to let you organize the fulfillment workflow your way. Since every order also takes the form of an online document shareable with the customer, you can decide to send updates every step of the way. Customers will benefit from an e-commerce-like experience when it comes to order statuses and updates.
Inventory management
On a per-line basis, you can decide how many items you want to reserve On a per-line basis, you can decide how many items you want to reserve from the inventory and how many you need to order. Your inventory stays in sync with Lightspeed Retail every time you change a line.
Purchase Order tracking
When a line item needs to be ordered to a supplier, you can create a Purchase Order in Lightspeed Retail. QuoteMachine will automatically fill the right quantity and add the description on the PO for you. Thanks to line items being linked to POs, receiving them in Lightspeed will update your order.
Invoice tracking
QuoteMachine also lets you choose what and when to invoice. Each order will keep track of every invoice and deposits received, so you’ll know exactly how much the customer owes you.
Internal notes
QuoteMachine lets you take internal notes on orders to help your staff keep track of what’s important. They can also write internal notes on a per-line basis.
Invoicing features
Invoicing is an important part of Lightspeed Onsite. However, in Lightspeed Retail, there isn’t any way to properly track invoices with payment terms. QuoteMachine extends Lightspeed Retail’s credit account feature to provide a complete invoicing solution. It allows you to offer more complex payment terms and installments without losing track of receivables.
Payment terms
Like Lightspeed Onsite, QuoteMachine allows you to set up payment terms on an invoice to inform the due date. Going one step further, you can also keep track of any overdue invoice as QuoteMachine records the exact due date.
High-value transactions mean that you need to offer payment options with installments. Like Lightspeed Onsite, QuoteMachine can record any installment and keep track of all payments for specific sales. Even better, when you capture a payment online, from a credit card or ACH (bank transfer), you can securely keep the credit card or bank account on file to schedule installments in the future. No need to ask the customer to enter their payment information again.
Aging report and account statements
Lightspeed Retail supports credit account and allows you to keep track of what a customer owes you but it can be limited when you’re dealing with business customers. With QuoteMachine integration, you can have a Lightspeed Retail supports credit accounts and allows you to keep track of what a customer owes you. When dealing with B2B sales, you’ll want more than this. Thanks to the QuoteMachine integration, you get access to detailed aging reports and owing balances. QuoteMachine can organize customers by company to better visualize balances and reports at this level. You can also send once monthly a detailed statement to your customers automatically.
Recurring Billing
As you are selling more and more complex products and services, QuoteMachine also supports recurring invoices to capture payment on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
We learned a lot from ex-OnSite users’ experience, and we offer all the missing features from OnSite and even more. By bringing every sales document online, the customer experience is unique and helps you sell more than you would do with Lightspeed Onsite. As QuoteMachine grows, you’ll see more and more features to help you convert more high-value sales while keeping an A+ customer service.
If you are interested to know more about QuoteMachine, book a demo with one of our specialist!