Customers looking for computer services will want to know the associated prices before committing to your business. However, by sticking to a basic quoting strategy where you simply list the costs of the services requested, you are missing out on sales opportunities. In this article, we’ll show you how use a quote as a sales and marketing tool.
Using a web quote template to capture the sale opportunity right away
Let’s say a customer comes in for help with repair of water damage to their computer. They’re not just thinking about fixing it, they may also be wondering if it’s better to buy a new one. How do you show them all those options clearly? You want to use tools that allow you to display all of that information in a single quote – the cost of repair, alternate options, or even relevant accessories that they should consider. This can be done in no time with pre-made templates and bundles in QuoteMachine. This helps your clients feel they’re getting the best deal. This way, you don’t just fix their problem; you provide options and solutions. Using web-quotes will allow you to capture those sales and upselling opportunities quickly.
In the sales tool section, you can create templates for documents, or any type of quotes, invoices and more. We strongly recommend companies to use templates to their advantage and make their sales happen without delay, whatever the client request might be, you will be ready.
Adding multi-choice fields and recommendations
With QuoteMachine, you can add multi-choice fields to any quote. We strongly recommend using this tool to allow you and your customer to have as much options as possible. Adding suggested options for warranty and accessories, is a good way to upsell while making the client feel they have a transparent billing.
Make your brand seen
Selling is all about making an impression. By using a quote that allows you to display your brand, your pictures or videos, you gain credibility.
What we recommend:
- When using a web quote, make good use of the first section to display a nice logo, your brand name, or a nice picture of your signature product. It will make you remembered by your customers or prospects.
- Adding a short introduction about your company is always a nice touch, especially if you are local. We encourage you to add a short description of your company in your quote, it will give your client another great reason to seal the deal at your business and not anywhere else.
Learn more about how to use QuoteMachine to your advantage by booking a demo with one of our sales representatives